About Us

An international and multidisciplinary team.

Our Team

A unique blend of Scientific rigour and Industrial leadership.

Academic Team

SCEnAT is the result of a research project undertaken by the University of Sheffield in partnership with the University of Hull and the Stockholm Environment Institute at the University of York, funded by the Centre for Low Carbon Futures (CLCF). SCEnAT+ and SCEnATi are the results of a true global and multidisciplinary collaboration with stakeholders worldwide.

An inter-disciplinary team of academics from several disciplines (including Supply Chain Management, Environmental Science, Social Sciences) is ensuring the continuous enhancement of SCEnAT.

The team is led by Professor Lenny Koh, Director of the Advanced Resource Efficiency Research Centre.

Advanced Resource Efficiency Centre (AREC)

Conduit Road
Sheffield S10 1FL
Tel:+44 (0) 114 222 3395
Fax:+44 (0) 114 222 3378
Email: S.C.L.Koh@sheffield.ac.uk

Advisory Board

SCEnAT, SCEnAT+ and SCEnATi have been developed in close collaboration with industry partners. An Advisory Board has been set up, and regular meetings have been held.

Companies from the Advisory Board have been given the opportunity of testing the tool throughout its whole development process and contributing to it.

The Advisory Board includes both Large Multinational Organisations and regional SMEs. Several UK Chambers of Commerce are also part of the Board, and have recommended SCEnAT to their members.

For more details please visit:

Advanced Resource Efficiency Centre (AREC)